Amy Concilio, Ph.D.
I am an environmental scientist with an interdisciplinary background and expertise in climate change impacts and mitigation, invasive species biology and management, and restoration of grassland and rangeland ecosystems. I employ a diversity of research methods, including ecological field trials, greenhouse experiments, and stakeholder interviews and surveys to measure impacts of global change on ecosystems and to test the effectiveness and feasibility of land management approaches.
In 2016, I joined the faculty in the School of Behavioral and Social Sciences at St. Edward’s University in Austin, TX, to teach in the interdisciplinary Environmental Science and Policy program. I direct student research in the Texas Hill Country, teach classes in Climate Change, Natural Resource Conservation and Management, Environmental Chemistry, and Research Methods, and coordinate the Environmental Management Certificate program.
Contact details
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.stedwards.edu/directory/employees/amy-l-concilio
Phone: 512-637-1958
Address: School of Behavioral and Social Sciences, St Edward’s University, 3001 S Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78704
Academic & Research Appointments
St Edward’s University, Austin, TX
Associate Professor of Environmental Science, 2020-
St Edward’s University, Austin, TX
Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, 2016-2020
Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO
Visiting Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, 2015-16
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Postdoctoral Scholar, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, 2013-15
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA
Ph.D., Environmental Studies
University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
M.S. Ecology
Providence College, Providence, RI
B.A. Chemistry, Minors in Environmental Studies and Spanish