Global change impacts on plant communities and ecosystems
- Seastedt, T.R., C.T. White, C. Tucker, E. M. Beaury, A.L. Concilio, E.I. Gasarch, V.J. Haggans, and J.G. Smith (in review) Decadal dynamics of dry alpine meadows under nitrogen and phosphorus additions. Submitted to Plant Ecology
- Concilio, A., J. Nippert, S. Ehrenfeucht, K. Cherwin and T. Seastedt (2016) Imposing antecedent global change conditions rapidly alters plant community composition in a mixed-grass prairie. Oecologia. 182 (3): 899-911
- Concilio, A., J. Prevéy, P. Omasta, J. Connor, J. Nippert, and T. Seastedt, (2015). Response of a mixed grass prairie to an extreme precipitation event: Introduced species, soil nitrogen and previous precipitation patterns influence responses. Ecosphere. 6(10): 172
- Loik, M.E., A.B. Griffith, H. Alpert, A.L. Concilio, C.E. Wade, S.J. Martinson, (2015). Impact of intra- vs. inter-annual snow depth variation on water relations and photosynthesis for two Great Basin Desert shrubs. Oecologia. 178(2): 403-414
- Concilio, A.L. and M.E. Loik (2013). Elevated nitrogen effects on Bromus tectorum dominance and native plant diversity in an arid, montane ecosystem. Applied Vegetation Science. 16(4):598-609
- Concilio, A.L., M.E. Loik, and J. Belnap (2013) Global change effects on Bromus tectorum L. (Poaceae) at its high-elevation range margin. Global Change Biology. 19 (1): 161-172
Interdisciplinary research on invasive species control
- Tzankova, Z. and A. Concilio (2014). Controlling an invasive plant at the edge of its range: towards a broader understanding of management feasibility. Biological Invasions. 17(1): 507-527
- Concilio, A.L. (2013). The spread of cheatgrass into the Eastern Sierra. Fremontia. 41(2): 10-13
- Concilio, A.L. (2013). Effectiveness and cost of downy brome (Bromus tectorum) control at high elevation. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 6(4): 502-511
Plant-soil feedbacks and soil chemistry
- Vargas, T.O., Concilio, A., Woyann, L.G., Santos, R.H.S., and Cheng, W. (in review) Rhizosphere priming effect of N mineralization in vegetable and grain crop systems. Submitted to Plant and Soil.
- Concilio, A., T. Vargas and W. Cheng (2015). Rhizosphere-mediated effects of the invasive grass Bromus tectorum L. and native Elymus elymoides on nitrogen cycling in Great Basin Desert soils. Plant and Soil. 393: 245-257
- Ongley, L., L. Sherman, A. Armienta, A. Concilio, and C. Ferguson Salinas (2007). Arsenic in the soils of Zimapán, Mexico. Environmental Pollution. 145 (3): 793-799
Forest management and soil carbon sequestration
- Ma, S., A. Concilio, B. Oakley M. North, J. Chen (2010). Spatial variability in microclimate in a mixed-conifer forest before and after thinning and burning treatments. Forest Ecology and Management. 259: 904-915
- Ryu, SR, A. Concilio, J. Chen, M. North, and S. Ma (2009). Prescribed burning and mechanical thinning effects on belowground conditions and soil respiration in a mixed-conifer forest, California. Forest Ecology and Management. 257 (4): 1324-1332
- Concilio, A., J. Chen, S. Ma and M. North (2009). Precipitation patterns drive inter-annual variation in summer soil respiration in a Mediterranean-climate, mixed conifer forest. Climatic Change. 92: 109-122
- Concilio, A., S. Ma, S.R. Ryu, J. Chen, and M. North (2006). Soil respiration response to burning and thinning from one to three years after experimental treatments. Forest Ecology and Management. 228 (1-3): 82-90
- Concilio, A., S. Ma, Q. Li, J. LeMoine, J.Chen, M. North, R. Jensen, and D. Moorhead (2005). Soil respiration response to burning and thinning in mixed conifer and hardwood forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 35 (7): 1581-1591